1 september 2025 t/m 30 januari 2026 -- open
Dhr. Marc Elie, Dorien van de Ven

Students will advance to the registration first contact with

Marc Elie en Dorien van de Ven
E-mail: Minor.internationalisation@han.nl

Subscribe? Good to know!
- For minors starting in September, after the registration period in March, a draw takes place in April if there are at that time more subscribers than available places.
- For minors starting in February, after the registration period in October, a draw takes place in November if there are at that time more subscribers than available places.

For the minors with places still available applies until the closing of the subscription period: Once a minor is full, it is closed!

In addition, if the number of subscribers after four weeks is below the norm; this minor may possibly be withdrawn. So if you are interested, sign up immediately!

Subscribe in time!

For HAN students it means that, in case of cancellation of the first choice AFTER the period of decision (this takes a full month) they may re-subscribe for the still available minors.

Even then: Once a minor is full, it is closed!

A good overview of the HAN minors can be found in the minors app! The app is accessible via: http://www.minoren-han.nl/

Register for the Internationalisation exchange course at HAN University of Applied Sciences and develop an international perspective on your future profession in health.

The Internationalisation exchange course will help you develop a wider perspective on the world and on your profession. Your career will take on another dimension when placed in an international context as you revaluate your own norms and values and your role as a professional, global citizen.

This course covers globalisation, development cooperation and the relationship between the northern and southern parts of the world, as well as paradigm shifts, public health and the most common global diseases.

See informationmovie


  • Organisation of health care provision
  • Health care risks and prevention
  • Cultural and paradigmatic differences
  • Cultural acclimatization
  • Globalisation
  • Public health
  • Millennium Development Goals
  • Medical topics
  • Nutrition
  • Mental health
  • Language training
  • Dilemmas
  • Country knowledge

Block exchange course
This exchange course is offered once or twice a year in a block during a semester.

Type of exchange course
This is a differentiation exchange course. This means it enables you to develop your professional competences in a different/broader context.

The learning outcomes listed below will help you decide whether this exchange course matches your personal goals.

Learning outcomes

  • You will contribute to the development and expertise of your profession through knowledge and experience in the area of international development
  • You will deliver care to patients/clients and encourage their self-sufficiency in a non-Dutch cultural setting
  • You will help people from a different cultural context utilise the knowledge and information available within society in order to stimulate self-sufficiency and improve the quality of care


  • Active role in the renewal of the profession
  • Active contribution to advancing the expertise of members of the profession
  • Transferring knowledge and skills while observing prevailing cultural views
  • Information, advice and/or therapy based on a pragmatic approach while observing prevailing cultural views
  • Delivering service as an ongoing and integrated process
  • Methodical improvement of the existing health care policy situation within a given context
  • Broad vision on service provision, with the ability to understand the perspective of other cultures and nationalities

An exchange course will be of most benefit to you if it complements your study and/or your professional profile, is at an appropriate level and does not overlap with your major.

For whom?
This exchange course is designed for health care students in the broadest sense of the word. It is open to students of, for example, nursing, physiotherapy, dietetics, nutrition or speech therapy with some experience in the field of social studies.

Admission requirements

  • You can communicate effectively in written and spoken English (at least a B2 level or you have completed Havo/VWO for Dutch students)
  • You have completed professional tasks during a prior clinical work placement assignment (i.e. you have had contact with clients in a professional setting)
  • Regarding the placement abroad: you can demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the language spoken in the country where you wish to carry out your placement

Addional information

Students from other universities in the Netherlands who want to participate in this minor have to organize, in accordance with the program management of this course, their own clinical placement abroad. To students from outside the Netherlands who want to participate in this program only the theoretical part of this minor can be offered (the first 8 weeks).

The exchange part of this program can be a clinical experience and/or a research experience abroad. In case of research the student has to propose a research project to the program management of this course.

Assessment 1 is called critical movie. In your critical movie a health issue in the country you are going to is discussed from several viewpoints. Content of this movie is derived from the lessons in the first 7 weeks of this minor.

Assessment 2 is called best practices abroad.After return students share their personal and professional growth in relation to best practices abroad.

This exchange course has the following schedule and working methods:


  • 8 full-time academic weeks: 40 study hours, including a minimum of 20 hours of lectures
  • 12 weeks of work placement (clinical and/or research) in a foreign country

Working methods

Student-oriented education in which assignments, group activities, training and individual study are central. The international clinical placement assignment or research assignment is the focal point of the course. Students with international experience will be involved in program delivery.

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