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Subscribe? Good to know!
- For minors starting in September, after the registration period in March, a draw takes place in April if there are at that time more subscribers than available places.
- For minors starting in February, after the registration period in October, a draw takes place in November if there are at that time more subscribers than available places.
For the minors with places still available applies until the closing of the subscription period: once a minor is full, it is closed!
In addition, if the number of subscribers after four weeks is below the norm; this minor may possibly be withdrawn. So if you are interested, sign up immediately!
Subscribe in time!
Note: For HAN students it means that, in case of cancellation of the first choice AFTER the period of decision (this takes a full month) they may re-subscribe for the still available minors.
Even then: once a minor is full, it is closed!
A good overview of the HAN minors can be found in the minors app! The app is accessible via:
Accelerating from 0 to 100 km/h, within 4 seconds, nearly silent. Or transporting 40 tons of beets over wet clay soil, getting it done. Or lifting a distillation column of 600 tons, without a sweat. Or perform heavy-duty landscaping at net-zero emissions, for today and tomorrow.
Make your dreams a reality and invest in your powertrain career!
In the Powertrain minor at HAN University of Applied Sciences, you explore the principles and design of a mobile powertrain. The focus is on describing the load cases in an analytical manner and, based on this analysis, selecting, modelling and dimensioning a well selected prime mover and transmission.
The following subjects will be lectured in the minor:
- Analysis of load cases
- Design of a well selected prime mover and transmission
- Sustainability through efficiency
- Emissions legislation and compliance
- Energy management
- ICE (hydrogen fuel cell – battery), electric, hydraulic and mechanical drivelines
- Impact and opportunities of alternative fuels and their respective powertrain layout
- Mechatronics, systems engineering, control engineering
- Valuable guest lectures from the industry
Type of minor
This exchange course is offered once a year in a block during the first semester (September – January).
This also is a specialization exchange course. This means it enables you to further deepen your skills and knowledge within your own profession (professional profile).
Learning Outcomes:
Designing mobile powertrains for dynamic loads.
- Analysing and defining
- Designing
- Professionalization
Admission requirements
An exchange course will be of most benefit to you if it complements your study and/or your professional profile, is at an appropriate level and does not overlap with your major.
To be admitted to the minor you must have completed the relevant parts of the major in Automotive or Mechanical Engineering at level 2. This includes basic knowledge of:
- Mechanics (statics/dynamics/strength of materials)
- Powertrain (mechanics/electronics/hydraulics)
- System engineering, control engineering
- Machine elements
You should be able to apply this knowledge to design a simple powertrain for e.g. a bicycle. In case of doubt about the level, an intake interview will be arranged. The minor coordinator subsequently takes the final decision regarding admittance.
For whom?
Are you a student of Automotive or Mechanical Engineering at an institution for higher professional education, and have you finished or nearly finished your major? Then this minor may be suitable for you. Alternatively, are you taking a different degree program? Please contact HAN’s minor coordinator to enquire about admission.
Nice to know
In borderline cases regarding entrance level, an intake will be held. The minor coordinator subsequently takes the final decision regarding admittance.
- The course consists of 2 terms, each with a duration of 9-10 weeks. You will have exams during the two theoretical terms.
- The modules are assessed by means of written exams, practice reports and assignment reports and/or accompanying products (e.g. a model).
- The design project is assessed by means of a report and a presentation.
- The designing skills of the student by means of a performance assessment.
This exchange course has the following schedule and working methods.
The total study load is based on full-time attendance for half an academic year (30 EC) distributed between lessons and about 500 hours for project work and independent study.
Students are expected to be available from Monday to Friday at office hours.
Working methods
Together with your group, you form a small design team. Your team will be commissioned by an external firm to (re)design the powertrain of a machine or vehicle. Alternatively, cases that are derived from powertrain engineering, in concentrated topicality, may be made available as a project. Throughout the design project you will be expected to consult with the external client and put your acquired knowledge and the expertise of the lecturers to good use.
Relevant literature information is given at the start of the course.
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