For content information:
Koen Lau
Tel: 06 55208732
Subscribe? Good to know!
- For minors starting in September, after the registration period in March, a draw takes place in April if there are at that time more subscribers than available places.
- For minors starting in February, after the registration period in October, a draw takes place in November if there are at that time more subscribers than available places.
For the minors with places still available applies until the closing of the subscription period: Once a minor is full, it is closed!
In addition, if the number of subscribers after four weeks is below the norm; this minor may possibly be withdrawn. So if you are interested, sign up immediately!
Subscribe in time!
Note: For HAN students it means that, in case of cancellation of the first choice AFTER the period of decision (this takes a full month) they may re-subscribe for the still available minors.
Even then: Once a minor is full, it is closed!
A good overview of the HAN minors can be found in the minors app! The app is accessible via:
Get yourself acquainted with innovation in mobility and create value for society with the HAN Automotive minor Advanced Mobility!
The partially or fully self-driving car is on its way to the market. New players emerge in the car business like Google, Apple and Tesla provoke the established brands by developing self-driving technology of their own. Now the question arises what this means for the future and how this technology can create the most value for society? What are the technical, commercial and legal possibilities of smart vehicles and smart infrastructure when considering full scale deployment? How to implement smart vehicles and smart infrastructure in real life cases with considering environment and human behavior?
In the HAN minor Advanced Mobility answers will be sought for these questions. With fellow students in a multi-disciplinary project team you’ll research the possibilities of ‘Advanced Mobility’ and design and research real life solutions. You will work with real life case studies provided by partnering companies in the fields of safety, logistics, infrastructure, human behavior, traffic and/or fleet management. Considering the international character of the automotive business the tuition will be in English. In short, a real challenge for students with ambition!
The main aim of this minor is to develop students in their skills in implementing innovative techniques in order to make mobility more efficient, safe and durable. The techniques in question will focus on high-tech systems which can make interaction possible between the vehicles, the drivers, their surroundings and our behaviour.
The following subjects could be lectured in the minor if applicable to the questions stated by the client or required by the students:
Smart Vehicles:
- Mobility control systems (ADAS, IVHS and V2x)
- Human machine interface
Smart Infrastructure:
- (Big) Data driven Traffic Management
- Wifi-P and 5G networks/C-ITS solutions
- Human behaviour in mobility
- Mobility as a service
- Lean Agile projectmanagement
- Legal, politics and ethical issues
- Smart logistics
- Innovative revenue models
- Implementation (change) Management
Professional skills:
- Research skills
- Design skills
- Communication skills (English language, dealing with different business cultures and negotiation skills)
- Competitive attitude and empathic ability
Mobility processes are by definition multi stakeholder processes and therefore inherently complex. In the minor students will work in multi-disciplinary project teams on real life assignments. Each team will have its own specific assignment which is acquired from our partner companies and fit nicely into the research areas of HAN Automotive Research (research group intelligent mobility).
Block exchange course
This exchange course is offered once a year during the first semester, starting in September.
This also is a specialisation exchange course. This means it enables you to further deepen your skills and knowledge within your own profession (professional profile).
Learning outcomes
The possible learning outcomes listed below will help you decide whether this exchange course matches your personal goals.
At the end of the minor the student:
- Carries out ‘’multi stakeholder’’ feasibility studies, as member of a team implementing high tech innovations in order to make mobility more durable and efficient;
- Determines a vehicle and infrastructure architecture in order to maximize societal value;
- Gives a strategic advice and analyses possible partnerships in the supply chain;
- Designs and implements a control system strategy to manage mobility processes and automotive systems.
Furthermore the student will have to show a competitive attitude and empathic ability in order to operate in different professional business cultures.
The following competences will be developed (depending on the project assignment):
- Analysis
- Design
- Research
- Realization
- Administration
- Management
- Advice
- Professionalism
Admission requirements
An exchange course will be of most benefit to you if it complements your study and/or your professional profile, is at an appropriate level and does not overlap with your major.
For whom?
Students of the bachelor of Automotive or other engineering studies, logistics, legal, ICT, Business (i.e. marketing, communication, finance). It is a truly multi-disciplinary course!
A minimum of 120 EC must be fulfilled.
Nice to know
If you are not eligable for the minor, but do have grounded reasons for admitting you, you can always contact the minor contact person.
During this exchange course your performance will be assessed in the following ways:
Review and grading will be as follows:
White papers
Reflection report
Interim and final presentation
The minimum grade for each exam and review is 5,5 (there is no compensation possibility).
This exchange course has the following schedule and working methods.
There are no lessons or written exams scheduled. This is purely "demand based’’ education where you will be required to work 40 hours per week on your project. Students are expected to be available from Monday to Friday.
Working methods
· Guest lectures
· Excursions
· Workshops
· Project work
· Role playing
Relevant literature information is given at the start of the course.
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