-- not offered
Jean Hendriks

For content information:
Jean Hendriks
E: jean.hendriks@han.nl
T: +31 6 55 20 87 56

Subscribe? Good to know!
- For minors starting in September, after the registration period in March, a draw takes place in April if there are at that time more subscribers than available places.
- For minors starting in February, after the registration period in October, a draw takes place in November if there are at that time more subscribers than available places.

For the minors with places still available applies until the closing of the subscription period: Once a minor is full, it is closed!

In addition, if the number of subscribers after four weeks is below the norm; this minor may possibly be withdrawn. So if you are interested, sign up immediately!

Subscribe in time!

For HAN students it means that, in case of cancellation of the first choice AFTER the period of decision (this takes a full month) they may re-subscribe for the still available minors.

Even then: Once a minor is full, it is closed!

A good overview of the HAN minors can be found in the minors app! The app is accessible via: http://www.minoren-han.nl/

General description

To promote connection with further education and landscape architectural together with architectural professional practice, this minor, “Dutch Architecture meets Dutch Landscape architecture”, will be organized in cooperation with Van Hall Larenstein (VHL)

You will learn about the history of Dutch Architecture and Dutch Landscape Architecture and how these architectural fields are historically connected and become more and more intertwined in current practise. How can challenges such as climate change, sustainability and green cities lead to new shapes and different materials, inspiring expressions or even give rise to new architectural typologies?

During the minor each individual student is challenged to make a site specific design which incorporates both building and landscape elements in a comprehensive design for a self-chosen location and programme, within the boundaries of The Municipality of Arnhem.

You will visit the highlights of modern projects in which both disciplines coincide. You will have a hands-on, inside-out experience on the spot. You will discover design tools and will learn how to use them.

You will be part of a mixed group of students from different countries, with an architectural and landscape architectural background (or related fields in design), which will encourage cross over learning.


Learning goals

  • Learn hands-on about modern Dutch Architecture and Dutch Landscape Architecture
  • Learn to reflect, think, talk and write about the subject
  • Learn how to handle design tools in different way’s
  • Learn different visualization tools
  • Learn about the dynamics in a design process
  • Learn to communicate your product to professionals.



In this course, the following substantive competences, on level 3, are addressed:

C1 Initiating and guiding: Define theme and problem / project task (Design project definition)

C2 Designing: Architectural design (Drafting and assessing alternatives in design phases)

C3 Specifying: Detailing and materialization (Prepare project data for permit application)

C6 Monitoring, testing and evaluating: Planned and project work in cyclic processes

Generic competences, level 3.

C7 Conducting research: Research, collecting and analyzing architectural data

C8 Communicating and collaborating: Communication visual and authentic manner

C9 Managing and innovating: Steer professional development, determining your position

Consistency with other OWE’s (EDU’s)

Deepening minor, level 3,

* specialization Architecture and Building- Engineering.


Entry requirements

* Propaedeutic exam obtained

* Specialization Architecture or Building-Engineering,

   level  2 accomplished OR,

* Specialization Spatial Design or Strategic Design,

   level 2 accomplished OR,

* Admission through portfolio assessment

Learning outcomes

- The student can create a paper handling about Dutch  Architecture..

- The student can create visual presented, architectural  analysis.

- The student creates a clearly stated and presented   architectural design which gives a solution for the project definition.

- The student can deliver a papers with reflections on  products, design process and professional development.

- The student can give a visual presentation of his design  and communicate its authenticity.

- The student can form a project definition handling about his chosen theme and chosen project task.

Assessment criteria

- The student creates a clear and comprehensive paper handling about an architectural theme and it’s  development in time.

- The student creates a clear and comprehensive,   visual presented, architectural analysis.

- The student creates a clearly stated and presented   architectural design which gives a solution for the project definition.

- The student delivers a clear and comprehensive paper(s) on products, design process and professional development.

- The student presents a clear and comprehensive visual   presentation in an authentic manner.

- The student forms a clear and comprehensive project   definition handling about the chosen theme and project   task.


- Assessment

Follow-up discussion and inspection

Feedback is being given with the assessment form. Within two weeks after receiving a grade, the student can make an appointment to look at the product and discuss it.

Total study load in hours

- 840 hours


Activities and didactic methods

- Guest lectures: 64 hours

- Lectures: 20 hours

- Workshops: 48 hours

- Work colleges: 112 hours

- Excursions: 40 hours

- Project guidance: 56 hours

- Other activities: 48 hours

- Selfstudy: 452 hours

Does not apply

HAN students can enrol via Alluris.

log into alluris here arrowright


non-HAN students need to first make an acount with www.kiesopmaat.nl

In case you have not got a Kiesopmaat.nl account, click on the button below.

Start your account arrowright


In case you already have an account, click on the button below to log in.

Log in on kies op maat arrowright